Membership Purchase
Step 1: Venops account registration is free. Use the login/register button at the top-right to create an account.
Step 2: Use the calculator to the right to determine your price. Choose between a monthly or annual billing cycle, then click to select the number of staff your organization employs or contracts.
Step 3: Click “Add to Cart” and wait a moment – you will be navigated to the cart automatically to complete your membership activation.
Personal Venops dashboard access is instant after purchase.
*If you received a membership coupon code for Venops through one of our partnerships:
- In the cart, enter the code you received in the "Partnership Code" field and click to activate it. An activation message will verify success.
- In the shopping cart, enter the coupon code you received.
- Misplaced your code? Send us a message from the Contact Us page or by email to get the code specific to your parent organization. Identity verification may be required.
Calculate your price below for the most effective exclusion & sanction screening available:
-We offer transparent pricing, based on billing cycle (annual or monthly) and the number of staff you plan to screen.
-Affiliate entity screening (AKA vendors) is included at no additional cost.
-Unlimited screening for staff and vendors and complete clearance investigations to clear your potential matches – all managed by compliance professionals.
Create a Venops account for free, then use the price tool below to find how little it costs for professional compliance support.
*Monthly billing requires a minimum of 5 people to license Venops. Annual billing carries no minimum, and is offered at a reduced price.
**Screening over 500 people? Schedule a short conference with our office for a quote, or use our online contact form to reach out for more information.

What does Venops give you?
The power of a dedicated compliance specialist for your practice management.
Venops instantly identifies all possible exclusion matches from our direct source database of all applicable exclusion and sanction authorities. Unlike our expanded premium service, investigations to clear any possible exclusion matches will rest on your shoulders – but our Knowledge Base provides you with the tools to easily (and quickly) complete clearance actions in-house.
The power of enhanced compliance for your practice management
Click to expand details:
– All screening reports are created on-demand. Most reports are ready for review from your dashboard within the hour.
– Clearance investigations occur immediately upon the discovery of potential exclusions or sanctions during screening.
– No limit on the number of screening reports you can generate each month.
– No additional cost for screening vendors and other entities.
– Venops Autopilot reporting ensures an accurate, up-to-date screening report every month without fail.
– Instant Check is a powerful tool for immediate OIG exclusion and Medicare opt-out affidavit clearance.
Our automated CMS open payment reporting tool is the first in the industry. This specialized report summarizes and displays all contributions reported to CMS for the majority of physicians currently practicing in the US. It also tracks all research grants, consulting fees, travel expenses… you name it. Each report also includes direct links to each provider’s CMS profile for a more in-depth review of all payments and ownership positions, including the companies and other sourced involved. These reports are quickly becoming indispensable as an administrative tool or as a professional review tool for providers. Venops membership includes unlimited report generation.
Perhaps you have a stack of business associate agreements or other documents in a box under your desk? We’ve seen it. As specialists in reducing the administrative workload and saving time, we offer this simple but effective tool for all Venops members. You can store documents and set expiration dates, archive expired documents, or export a list of active documents such as BAAs, contracts, and credentials.
Professional investigations for all potential exclusions and sanctions found during screening work to achieve objective clearance, or verification of a match. Typically an add-on service to raise costs with other screening service providers, this is included in every Venops membership at no added cost.
Premium Membership
Cancel anytime in moments from the dashboard. Each membership has full access to all services.
Venops is an advanced OIG exclusion & sanction screening solution for compliance professionals.
Create a free Venops account, find your exact price below, and purchase your license to start screening in minutes.
Click to expand details:
– Screening reports are created on-demand. Most reports are ready for review from your dashboard within the hour.
– Clearance investigations occur immediately upon the discovery of potential exclusions or sanctions during screening.
– Customizable screening reports available as needed.
– No limits on the number of screening reports you can generate each month.
– No additional cost for screening vendors and other entities.
– Venops Autopilot reporting ensures an accurate, up-to-date screening report every month without fail.
– Instant Check is a powerful tool for immediate OIG exclusion and Medicare opt-out affidavit clearance.
Our automated CMS open payment reporting tool is the first in the industry. This specialized report summarizes and displays all contributions reported to CMS for the majority of physicians currently practicing in the US. It also tracks all research grants, consulting fees, travel expenses… you name it. Each report also includes direct links to each provider’s CMS profile for a more in-depth review of all payments and ownership positions, including the companies and other sourced involved. These reports are quickly becoming indispensable as an administrative tool or as a professional review tool for providers. Venops membership includes unlimited report generation.
Perhaps you have a stack of business associate agreements or other documents in a box under your desk? We’ve seen it. As specialists in reducing the administrative workload and saving time, we offer this simple but effective tool for all Venops members. You can store documents and set expiration dates, archive expired documents, or export a list of active documents such as BAAs, contracts, and credentials.
What do we screen?
- All existing state Medicare sanctioned provider lists.
- Tricare
- DEA criminal cases against doctors
- DOJ EOIR list of disciplined providers
- FDA debarment list
- Medicare opt-out affidavits
- Medicare waivers list
- Additional state lists are added as they are created by each state
CMS open payments reports
Single-purchase CMS open payments reports
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Access to Venops includes:
Instant Check
Our Instant Check tool is designed to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on new hires or other individuals, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly and easily.
Vendor Screening Tool
Looking for a faster, more efficient way to screen potential vendors? Venops’ Vendor/Entity Screening tool gives you direct access to our proprietary database of federal and state exclusions & sanctions.
Concierge Member Services support
Communicate directly with a
professional by phone or electronically
for efficient support when needed.
All screening records and reports are saved and instantly reviewable any time
Exclusion screening records are encrypted and saved, ready to download at a moment’s notice. Records storage never expires, so you will always have complete due diligence records ready for anything- even and audit.
Exclusion and sanction screening covers all applicable federal and state exclusion authorities
Venops’ industry-leading precision and accuracy reduces CMP liability to the greatest extend possible for the most effective exclusion screening available.
With Venops, you can trust that you’re making informed decisions based on the most reliable data.
Investigations to clear all possible matches found during screening
It’s not a question of accuracy – it’s objective fact. Potential matches found during screening average 9% to 15% of all staff. Professional investigations are provided by Venops to achieve objective clearance (or verification). This is a common upsell with other screening services, but it’s included with Venops at no cost.
Monthly AutopilotTM and sanction exclusion screening
Receive a current screening report every month without fail. Autopilot activates at the end of every month to re-screen the accumulated names on your last screening report against the current exclusions database updated every month.
Automated CMS Open Payments Reporting
Fully automated, on-demand CMS open payments financial transparency reporting is another reason why we’re on the leading edge of future development needs. Submit the order form from your dashboard and receive this report in minutes.
SUPPORT Act updates for additional provider and payment categories are supported.
Document tracking and management tool
Securely track and organize documents with the Venops document management tool. Useful for any document with an expiration date, such as BAAs.